Please fill out this form carefully and describe in detail the kind of media project you are interested in developing. All information on the form is confidential. You may not know or be able to fill out every space on this form. Just do your best to give me an idea of what kind of project you wish to develop.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Best Phone No or Skype ID to Contact You (Optional)

    Occupation or Business (required)

    Type of Media Project (required)

    Approximate Budget, if Known

    Approximate Deadline for Completion, If Known

    Best Day & Time to Contact You (Optional)

    Describe your Media Project in detail. As mentioned, I am glad to discuss this project with you without charge before you make any kind of formal commitment (Required)

    DISCLAIMER: Obviously, a writing coach sees a lot of products. In order to protect the coach, it is necessary that the client waives in advance any possible copyright infringement claim or claim of theft of ideas, trademarks, service marks, images, etc. If such an infringement event occurred- and it would only be by accident; obviously the material would be withdrawn from public view by the Coach. This does not apply to material protected by the fair usage doctrine of copyright law. Also, it is best if longer material is being developed- that the user procures effective government copyright in advance- for the purpose of general protection against infringement. This also does not apply to collaborative projects described in a contract or agreement or by joint copyright.