Coaching Protocol

All of us need to write sometimes- whether a letter, an article or a short bio for a website. Some lucky people do these confidently and don’t need much help. But others like me, at some point in their life, need some kind of understanding of how to improve their efforts.
So I now have put out my shingle as a writing coach. Now how would this work? I see three different possibilities.


If someone wants to write better and did not need to me to look over a specific project, we could work with small samples of writing- fiction or non-fiction, poetry or lyrics, plays or screenplay writing and I would give live recommendations as to improving your efforts. This
Is basically coaching- and would cost $50 an hour. A preliminary 15-20 minute consultation is available for free.


If someone had written a novel or screenplay and wanted me to help enhance or strengthen the plot, improve or add characters, work on the narrative, create better dialogue- that is the work of a developmental editor- and I would charge by the project- and probably work through so payment could be made when components of the project were finished. A preliminary consultation is available for free


If someone wanted to actually develop a project from scratch- like a book or a screenplay- this would probably be a ghostwriting project. I would charge by the project- and probably work through so payment could be made when components of the project were finished. A preliminary consultation is available for free.

In the last two cases, I do not need any writing credit (unless co-authorship is desired by my client)- but I would like a mention as an editor of the project.